In these captivating images, friends embark on a thrilling offroad electric tandem journey through the breathtaking landscapes of a vineyard. They embrace a unique adventure, blending the passion...
Escape into the heart of nature with the electric all-terrain four-wheel vehicle, where mountains echo our sense of freedom! This french revolutionary machine grants you the opportunity to venture...
Rediscover freedom on forgotten trails thanks to Swincar, the all-terrain electric vehicle tailored for individuals with disabilities. This groundbreaking innovation opens up new possibilities for...
Embark on a thrilling journey with the revolutionary French invention, a four-wheel electric all-terrain quadricycle, and reach new heights of pure joy. This cutting-edge vehicle blends innovation...
Welcome to the harmony of electrified nature! These two modern adventurers embrace the beauty of the great outdoors while preserving the environment. With their silent electric all-terrain buggy,...
SWINCAR e-Spider is approved as a light quadricycle L6e according to European directive 168/2013 / EC. In France, this version is accessible from 14 years old with the BSR license or from the age...
More than just a cross-country vehicle, the SWINCAR e-Spider revolutionizes the art of electric mobility whilst respecting both the environment and people.SWINCAR combines high performance...
Get off road to discover and enjoy the natural environment! Explore and have new adventures with SWINCAR. Stand out in this off-road buggy. (Photos taken on road open to public driving)
The tandem allows drivers and passengers to share the Swincar experience.SWINCAR has designed a two-seater e-Spider Tandem with a passenger seat installed behind the driver. In this way it takes ...
SWINCAR tour for reduced mobility adventurers in United States. Do you want to have a ride ? Please contact our American representer to book your tour. Here's his contact information:
Adventure ...
SWINCAR e-Spider design is particularly suitable for People with disabilities.
The controls on the SWINCAR e-Spider are grouped around the steering wheel and SWINCAR has also developed a range of...
A beautiful day in the countryside with this electric 4x4, enjoy the beauty of the seasons from spring to winter as you travel smoothly and silently.(Photos taken on a private site)