Home > Products > Range > SWINBUGGY: electric innovation for vineyards
Swinbuggy electric with a solar roof

SWINBUGGY: electric innovation for vineyards

The SWINBUGGY electric vehicle is the perfect solution for vineyards. Quiet, environmentally friendly, and equipped with a solar roof for extended autonomy, it ensures smooth travel across various terrains without noise disturbance.
Its lightweight design and 16-inch all-terrain wheels provide smooth driving through vineyards, whether transporting tools, people, or equipment. Made in France and patented, the SWINBUGGY offers customizable options such as 4-wheel drive and steering for improved maneuverability.
With a high-capacity lithium-ion battery and ergonomic design, this vehicle enhances the efficiency of visits and daily tasks in the vineyard.
It is a must-have for wine producers seeking modernity and sustainability.
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