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Swinbuggy electric with 4 seats

SWINBUGGY Electric: the golf course companion

The SWINBUGGY electric vehicle revolutionizes the golfing world with its innovative design and tailored features. Thanks to its solar roof, it offers extra autonomy, allowing golfers to complete two full 18-hole courses without recharging.
Made in France, this patented quadricycle is designed for golfer comfort and safety, with large-diameter wheels that easily handle any terrain. Compact and lightweight (only 200 kg), it navigates effortlessly and minimizes ground impact. Its 4-wheel drive and steering options guarantee excellent maneuverability.
With its high-capacity lithium-ion battery and multiple customization options, the SWINBUGGY is a must-have for golf enthusiasts looking for an eco-friendly, high-performance, and comfortable vehicle.
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